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Old 11-17-14, 12:00 PM   #2308
frau kaleun
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Originally Posted by NeonSamurai View Post
Some day I will get around to Skyrim when I have some time (a lot of time). But that will mean me modding the heck out of it first, like going through all the equipment and fixing its specs. Game designers generally don't know crap about weapons, so it is always one of the first things I will fix with any game I can). Also fixing houses, polishing mods (mods can be all over the place as far as quality), and tweaking what ever else needs it.

Thankfully at least with Skyrim/Fallout the above isn't too difficult with its full tools suite. Other games can take me weeks to a month or two.
Weapons, armor and player houses are really what end up taking most of my modding time. Especially since I like smithing, and a lot of the weapons/armor in unmodded Skyrim cannot be made and/or improved because the necessary crafting recipes were left out.

Especially annoying with some of the unique "reward" pieces that end up being less useful than something of much lesser base quality that however *can* be improved to a higher damage output by someone with a good smithing skill. Nothing beats finishing a major questline and getting some awesome looking, theoretically high end legendary axe that deals less damage than the basic no-name steel one you've been carrying around for 20 levels and improved out the wazoo.

And I have to say I was really disappointed by the vanilla player homes, not so much with layout and size but with the fact that so often you find items and furniture wedged into places where they don't fit when it's so easy to just move them a smidge or two this way or that or, if all else fails, scale them down by a tiny percent. This turned out to be a real problem with the player homes added by Hearthfire, where almost every bit of static décor had to be moved or resized to avoid having it look like I was high on skooma when I built and furnished them.

Also some of the other choices they made with the player homes never make any sense to me, which is why they all get thoroughly renovated. Fortunately I've done it so many times now that the vanilla homes don't take me that long to get through even if I start them all over from scratch.
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