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Old 12-02-12, 10:10 PM   #54
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Spike88 View Post
There is a list of suggested mods in the first post(although some of them are obsolete or out dated) if you would like some to look at. I'm personally using the 1.25M and 2.5M probe parts(ideal for unmanned space station control), Graphotron 2(gives you a use for your science sensors), and I'll probably be using the GPS mod(any probes with GPS in it's name and in a Geosynchronous orbit will act like a GPS satellite and give you GPS functionality on the planet).

I'm also using Payloader(lets you combine two rockets, ideal if you want to throw a certain payload onto a rocket you've already made).

Once it gets updated I plan on using the Truss mod for my deep space ships, and maybe pick up a rover mod(along with the airbag mods).

WOw I may have to try all of those, I had the Sunday Punch back and Damned robotics which I highly

Edit: I may also use the ISA MapSat mod, lets you output maps in an image file from your Map Satellites. Just adds a use for Satellites. And Damned Robotics so I can have Robotic arms on my Space station.

Edit2: Apparently locking Gimbal on larger rockets helps rid them of their wobbliness.

Edit3: .18.1 Hotfix is out, but the server seems to be down.
Wow I may just have to try all of those out, I had damned robotics which was awesome and Sunday Punch which was as well and loved them both.

EDIT: SO the asparagus stalk worked but

A) the mainsail engine keeps taking out my smaller tank (I connect that between the orange one and the engine so it doesnt overheat so freakin quick

B) I am not getting enough fuel into orbit, maybe a quarter of what I had if Im lucky.
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