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Old 09-07-17, 08:47 AM   #1
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Default 2 Weps questions - Sea Lance & Harpoon

Two questions about weapons specifications and employment if I might call on the brain trust here...

One is about the Sea Lance subroc ... According to the game's reference stat-chart, it has a range of about ~35 miles, and it drops a parachute Mk. 54 torpedo. The thing is, there is literally *no settings* for me to adjust if I want to employ it manually (rather than say, right-clicking a target and saying engage Target {Xyz} with Tube (Xyz) with Sea Lance etc.) ... the only things available is a Snapshot Bearing (degrees, which I agree it will in fact fire the Sea Lance subroc in that direction) and the Distance to Enable- which maxes out at 335 yards.... miniscule. It basically amounts to enabling immediately upon hitting the water .... there is no depth settings, no active/passive, circle/snake etc. --- I could accept that, but it has *not worked one time* against a single enemy submarine. It hasn't worked against Russian diesels, Chinese diesels, Russian nukes, Chinese nukes, nothing at all. It flies to the target successfully, drops the torpedo within a few miles, and then they just spin in circles. There have been a few times I have dropped that torpedo RIGHT ON THAT SUCKER and it has never acquired an enemy submarine *not even one time*. It just spins in circles. I have fired two at a time , same deal, spinning in circles. Am I doing something wrong here?

Second question- Harpoon. How can you set it for the pop-up maneuver? I have not witnessed this for a long, long time. Before I ever even installed RA, I think I witnessed a few Harpoon popups when using all autocrew and showing truth and employing a "Engage target A with Tube B: Harpoon" right-click. But I can't replicate it, certainly can't make it happen when I want it to happen. Is there something to do to make it happen? Seems to be a much more effective setting for the Harpoon.

Ok thanks much
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