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Old 01-08-11, 01:15 AM   #847
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Originally Posted by WH4K View Post
Tessa's sh3.exe did not work for me either.

It is, somehow, different from the version of sh3.exe that h.sie's patcher is expecting.

The sh3.exe one gets from Steam is different still. Not only does it not work with h.sie's patcher, it is a different filesize from Tessa's (1308 KB instead of 1300 KB).

I can confirm that the Steam sh3.exe does act differently. When I run it, a Steam window pops up briefly. It will run in "offline mode," so I suspect it is checking to see whether my SHIII install is "activated" or something like that.
You know, I really wouldn't mind shelling out another $10 for this mod, even thought I just bought the Steam version of the game just a month ago... but damn it all... I'm getting pretty sick of putting more money in Ubisoft's pocket... (granted, it's just $10, how much they profit off of that must be small if the company even profits off of it at all) for seemingly half-finished, half-assed games they don't even put the real effort into fixing... (which does seem to be a growing trend, these days... EA, Creative Assembly and SEGA, I'm looking at you...)
I know that with better, more complicated programming come's the difficulty of solving every little problem. The more complex and bigger the program, the bigger and harder every little flaw is to solve. And maybe that downward trend in quality is inevitable. But that doesn't mean I have to like it and I know it's still possible to make an awesome, bug-free, mod-free game.
I mean, let's get something straight. The modder's in this community, who quite literally work pro bono to alter the game's behavior/experience are the people that unlock the game's potential and ultimately... add like 90% more fun to the game. I bought the game because of the mod's I've seen... especially GWX. Hell, Ubisoft should be giving you modder's a cut of the profit because I sure as hell wouldn't have bought Ubisoft's SH3 if you guys weren't there.
So forgive me, H.sie. What you're doing is fine, I'm not angry or disappointed that you aren't going to submit yourself to the ridiculous pain/lengths of terraforming Ubisoft's dying world of a game. But I'd rather wait a few more years or actively find another way to get this mod implemented than throwing more money at the problem... Unless that money actually goes to the modders that are still working on this.

And... end nerd-rage.
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