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Old 06-08-07, 08:50 PM   #714
Grey Wolf
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OK . . . third times the charm? Not quiet

So I reload the game . . . track the same task force . . . and instead steam further down its course so I can get it closer to dusk . . . and steam fast enough so I am right in her travel paths . . . so I set all six forward torpedoes to 27.5 degress (just in case the rough seas make them go deep) . . . dive to 200 feet, and wait for the DD screen to pass . . . they pass . . . without event . . . and I come to Periscope depth . . . and there the lead ship is . . . the Yamato . . . 1400yds infront of me . . . I reset the torps to fast setting . . . and target the Yamato and the Ise behind her . . . let four fish fly at the Y and 2 at the Ise . . . three hit the Y + 1 dud . . . and two hit the Ise . . . I dive deep and head below the remaining passing task force . . . the DDs loose me . . . and I wait two hours (time compressed) to unleash my remaining aft torpedoes (4 in total) . . . still silent running . . . And a Kuma has staid behind while the rest of the TF has sailed off. So I figure . .. why not . . . so I send 2 to the Kuma . . . 1 at 30 to the Y . . . and 1 at 30 at the Ise . . . The Y is dead in the water as in is the Ise (plus a 15 degree Starboard list) . . . all hit . . . and I turn it around and await an hour . . . but low and behold one more torp left . . . I had sunk 5 ships previously in that patrol . . . and apparently ran out without realizing . . . so I use that last one on the Y at 32 feet depth . . . hit . . . nothing, she remains afloat . . . I spend the rest of the dusk expending all my deck gun ammo at the Ise with no effect . . . leaving with no sinkings to go on my record.

I am steaming for the nearest tender (at Guadalcanal) and steaming back hoping that they remain . . . doubt it . . . but I will finish my story later, and will tell you al what happens. Pray for me that they remain there dead in the water, once I get new fish. It's a 3100 mile turn around, but here's hoping.
"The Federation needs men like you, doctor. Men of conscience. Men of principle.
Men who can sleep at night... You're also the reason Section Thirty-one exists --
someone has to protect men like you from a universe that doesn't share your
sense of right and wrong."
-Sloan, Section Thirty-One
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