Thread: trembling water
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Old 05-04-16, 07:25 PM   #17
Electrician's Mate
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All good! I just hope we can have it sorted out soon.
Just so you know, the stock game has the jello effect too, so uninstalling it and reinstalling isn't going to solve anything. Also, it doesn't matter if your mods is or isn't compatible.
The issue is one of your mods is overwriting your TMO scene.dat file. As I said before, that file in TMO does an okay job of making the jello water less noticeable. If something is overwriting that file, then it's cancelling out the jello water fix.

Try running the game with TMO only. Nothing else. And if the jello water is gone or less noticeable, then the source of the issue is probably in that environment mod.

Edit: Alright, I just got home. Downloaded the ISE mod, there's no scene.dat in it. I should point out I have a slight jello effect too (with and without ISE) but it's no where near as bad as the stock games jello water. All I can say is the GFO scene.dat does a better job of making it less noticeable but will make the water look different. I mean tried all I can with messing about in the scene.dat files, changing the values and all. Frankly there isn't much that can be done to fix it completely. But try my earlier suggestions with the GFO scene.dat.

Last edited by Delanski; 05-05-16 at 02:42 AM.
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