Thread: [REL] FOTRS Ultimate Project
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Old 03-24-18, 04:52 PM   #5847
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Originally Posted by propbeanie View Post
Man, you are ~on~ it... I just now got me a test mission set up. I have no figures yet. I are s-s-l-l-l-o-w-w-w-w...

Edit 1530 Eastern: OK, first runs:
Tench boat
Ahead Flank at 0900 hours Day 1
Boat slowed to 2knots @ 1300
Battery discharged to 4% at 1600
Surfaced and begin charge at Ahead Standard
Battery charged to 50% at 1030 hours Day 2
Battery charded to 75% at 2300 hours
Battery @ 100% 1430 Day 3

Gato boat
Ahead Flank at 0900 hours Day 1
Battery 4% discharged at 1600 hours
Surfaced and Ahead Standard @ 0600 hours Day 2
Battery re-charged to 25% at 1430
Battery charged to 50% at 0115 Day 3
Battery charged to 75% at 1345
Battery fully charged at 100% 0515 Day 4
Now, I never did get either boat to fully discharge, not for lack of trying. With the Tench, I didn't try very long. With the Gato, I did, hence the difference between the 4% charge, which is where the game states "Battery fully discharged" at 1400, and not surfacing until 0600 hours the next day, and we were still on a 2% charge, boat still doing 2 knots, telegraph still on Ahead Flank...

Charge times for Tench 18 hours to 50%, Gato 18 hours and 45 minutes, which could well be a function of the TC used, and the fact that the Gato battery was taken down to 2% for a much longer period of time than the Tench boat's was. the 75% to 100% figures are Tench at 15 and a half hours, Gato at 14 and a half hours. Again, could be the TC used - OR - horrors, my math... as a little side-note, I almost did not graduate from high school... 'Course, that was a little something more than just grades ... Anyway. There are my first runs. I am in a bit of a hurry, with several more things to do today, so it will be a while before I re-visit this. CapnScurvy, if you need a guinea pig in a couple of days, just holler...
Thanks propbeanie, as usual you've outdone yourself!!

So, if MY math is right. The Tench took 46:30 hours to recharge from a 4% capacity battery, @ an "Ahead Standard" speed. The Gato took 47:15 hours to recharge from a 2% capacity battery, at the same engine setting. That sounds about right since both subs have the same propulsion setup.

I just finished monkeying around with some figures and did a test with a Porpoise. I went down to 10% battery capacity, then began my recharge with an "Ahead 1/3rd" engine speed. At the more conservative engine speed, I was able to get 100% recharged after 24:00 hours flat.

So, three things....we need to be on the same page regarding what recharge speed we should use.

Second, I think my tweaking may have produced some of the difference between your recharge time and mine. Although my "Ahead 1/3rd" producing a 3 kt travel speed was putting more energy back into the batteries than a 11 kt "Ahead Standard" speed would.

Third, make sure you've got the Option "Limited Batteries" checkmarked.

I'll "tweaked" some more and will test again.

The HMS Shannon vs. USS Chesapeake outside Boston Harbor June 1, 1813

USS Chesapeake Captain James Lawrence lay mortally wounded...
.."tell the men to fire faster, fight 'till she sinks,..boys don't give up the ship!"

Last edited by CapnScurvy; 03-24-18 at 05:03 PM.
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