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Old 05-23-17, 01:44 AM   #6529
Dipped Squirrel Operative
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^ working for the people, i'm sure most politicians already say so, only that they behave a bit different. "They" in power only want to make it appear as if power was closer to the people, not to really act like it.

"Both Labour and the Liberal Democrats are promising a constitutional convention on ideas for a more federalised country and the Conservatives say they are committed to "ensuring that power sits closer to the people of the United Kingdom than ever before".

Really, decentralising London and physically (!) scattering ministries all over the country will bring more power to the people? People are not that easily fooled.
And, a federalised country? I thought this was why the EU was rejected.

"Money that comes back from the EU after Brexit will, they say, be put into a UK Shared Prosperity Fund designed to reduce inequalities between communities across the four nations. Although Whitehall will still have the final say, there is a promise to consult widely including with the devolved administrations."

"They say", well. Interesting, this is exactly what the EU has done and does all the time, helping smaller communities and projects that would not see help by their own government for lack of funding money. Not to forget defending rights and values against the "greater good" of local governments. I do not think that any of the four countries of the UK will be better off regarding local and infrastructure help, after wrexit

>^..^<*)))>{ All generalizations are wrong.
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