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Old 12-21-15, 01:55 PM   #625
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50 years ago, the relation in West-Germany between employees being pressed to paying protection money, and pensioners, was 6:1. 20 years ago, the relation in united Germany, was 2.7:1 2012, the same relation in all Germany was 2:1 In the past decade, the number of people in the low-wage sector has exploded. That means they are unable to save for their pension privately. The experiences wiht our largest migration groupo, Turks, since the late 50s shows that even in third generation their integration is a failed case. The examples mirgants from other places/cultures show - both in East and West germany - that unde rbest circumstances still three generatins are needed until a parity between net contribution to the social systems and net benefit could be hoped to be achieved. The Syrian masses now coming, are educated above averga e- by Arab standards. Experts for the labour m,arket and economic strtcure of German national economy who are not paid by the government say that still the overwheliming majority of these are "schwer vermiottelbar", hard to be brought into jobs with maintainable social insurrance. Fiscal calculations from sources that are not close to the government mention net costs for the madness over the next 30 years - one generation - of high two doigiot and even three digit billions. The worst case scenario beign calculatedf and reported of some weeks ago, even had it at almost 1 trillion over the coming 20 years - that includes not only direct social wellfare, but all follow-up costs from this, if calcuating by standards comaprable tpo the ways thign sunföloded with the Turkish kigration. The Syrian refugees being a longterm investment into social secuity in Germany? More likely it will go the way the youthz has been kicked ot the bottom in the Arab sphere in the past 3-6 generations. And this all still leaves out all implications when considering the political effect of the EU, and the Euro, and the disaster both mean for Europe. It also means Germany is accepting socialist France dreaming imperial dreams again by forming its old dream of a Mediterranean union. Under French dominance, of cpourse. Germany private savings are meant to pay for it. Gotta love those socialist looters. Renzi in Italy has pushed through a plan that next year all young people becoming 18 years old will ghet a free prepaid consumtion card worth 500 Euros, which they can use for buying things. For free. "The state is paying for it". The state...? Is it really the state paying this...? LOL In Finland they want to experiment with a condition-free general base income from next or seocnd next year on - more money raining down from heaven "for free" (at least as cash-free payment is still not completely enforced, Sweden has the lead in this destruction of freedom). And in Spain the election just was decided by demands to end the austwerity politics, while Greece gets moeny pumped into it for nothing, as usual. And where was it these very days that a public referendum of the population has reversed the just implemented legal equalization of marriages and "gay marriages", which was not wanted by the people, only by the so-called progressive" politicians? Was it Ireland. Or Slovenia? The writing is on the wall, more and more people in Europe turn away from the middle of the wanted "mainstream", and in opposition to to it turn "conservative". Every action has reaction and whatever force you inflict, inevitably returns. So it goes when you build a whole continent and contemporary culture on tick and debts only. What you built, cannot last, it sinks in, and collapses. But in Brussel they wonder about what is happening in political Poland currently. I do not wonder at all. We will see these political changes happening in other Eastern states, too, we already do. I do not sign into a generalization of the idea that the enemy of my enemy necessarily must be my friend, but in case of my view of conservative Poland, and the EU, it is true. I will not stand in the way of the Poles. Or the Brits, if they are clever enough to not listen to the scaremongers, and leave the EU. It'S a smart move. For the same reason I hope the Eastern nations will set up one hell of a battle over migrants. Let Germany feel the dent of it. It was our Staatsratsvorsitzende openign the gates and switching on the magnet, and it was the German public even applauding her. It is justice that we get the main force of the blow. Serves us right. What will be achieved by all this modern madness in the EU? Exactly the opposite of what one claims one wants to achieve. Exactly what one claimed one wanted to prevent - this will be the result of it all. And I have become old enough now to start feeling a grim and merciless satisfaction over this.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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