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Old 07-03-17, 02:12 AM   #1555
Navy Seal
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Originally Posted by Aktungbby View Post
One of the most notable renditions of the anthem was Jimi Hendrix's screaming solo guitar performance at the 1969 Woodstock Festival, captured on the documentary the event. Closing the four day show..clad in Red, White, and Blue, Hendrix played the anthem with a number of distorted regressions — some mimicking the "rockets" and "bombs" of the anthem's lyrics — to great acclaim from the audience.

Good choice, Aktung! It is a true testament to the genius of Hendrix that for a very long time, and probably still, venues of all sorts played the Hendrix recording of The National Anthem to start whatever event was/is being held. It was never really seen as a protest against anything in particular, but it is a sonic encapsulation of the emotions of the time and stands relevant even now...

Regarding Hendrix and Killing Floor, Clapton has stated he had been long trying to find a means of performing the song in the Cream's trio format and had been frustrated by the complexity; Jimi came along and totally blew away Clapton with a masterful version of the number; of course, it helps if you are Hendrix and you can somehow sound like you are two guitarists in one...

(Unfortunately, there is no YT video of Hendrix performing Killing Floor at Monterey Pop in '67, so here is a link to a Daily Motion video, with apologies...)...

As a frame of reference, here Howlin' Wolf's original:

...and a case for all those rockers to stand in shame for stealing from The Wolf...

Some time back, in another thread, in a universe far, far away (sorry, got carried away...), I posted about the time I saw Hendrix perform and had no idea it was him. There used to be a club at the far east end of the Sunset Strip and, during the daytime hours in the summer, they used to open these big doors that formed the outside wall. A lot of the local people would drop by, mainly musicians, and hang out, sometimes have loose acoustic jam sessions. I'm there one day, and in comes this sort of shy black guy dressed in the sort of hippies clothes of the time. He sat and listened to the jam for a while and finally asked if he could join in; he borrows a guitar and proceeds to play beautifully but not in a flashy manner, impressing the other players present. After a coupe of numbers, he excused himself and left...

Some months later, I drove my mother to a large box-type store, and, while she was shopping for what she needed, I went over to the record department and looked through the new arrivals. There, in the new record bins, was an album by some guy named Jimi and his new group. I recognized the face and thought to myself, "Whaddya know, that guy got a record contract"...

..and Aktung, you may well be a pioneer in a new resurgence:

Vinyl records are so popular that Sony plans to make them again --

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Last edited by vienna; 07-03-17 at 07:36 AM.
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