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Old 01-05-09, 08:53 AM   #853
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Originally Posted by E.B. Fluckey
Originally Posted by Syxx_Killer
Ducimus just uploaded version 1.62. Get it while it's hot!
Is there any documentation on what changed in 1.62? Also, are there instructions on how to install 1.62 if I already have the previous version installed and working?

Originally Posted by Ducimus
//changelog 1.6.0

- OOD now only says, "yes sir" only once. Say for example when plotting a course and resuming course. Now only says returning to course while not in any hostile contact. If hostile contact is around, he will only respond with "yes sir" when plotting a course.

- Crewman serving as firing key operator in the conning tower during general quarters is no longer a mime pretending to be at a table. IE, no longer holds his hands out in front of him holding onto a non existant object.

- Steersman in conning tower is no longer reaching up to grab a non existant telegraph.

- Crewman at Xmas tree now goes through the animated motions of opening valves during diving operations. (unfortunatly the valve levers themselves dont actually move)

- Crewman at xmas tree will now occasionally let out a "yeah!!!" when a torpedo hits its target.

- Diving officer now says, "dive planes set to steep dive" when using the deep dive command to go below 450 feet.

- Diving officer now says, "rudder, 0 degrees" when setting rudder to amidships instead of "rudder, rudder"

- Watch officer now says "yes sir" only once when going to battle stations instead of 5 or 6 times.

- Improved/revamped/ deck gun crew.

- reduced submarine proppeller TGA file in size from 1024 * 1024, to 512*512.... (talk about unneccessary bloating)

- Improved splash effects on conning towers while diving.

- lowered AC value on player subs a bit more. Previous value 15, new value 12. (i thought i had already done this. *shrug*)

-re evaluate torpedo textures. Used a modified stock graphics to make torpedo types more distinct and easily recognizeable. What you see in inventory, is what comes out of the tubes. Also Improved torpedo descriptions in localization file.

-re evaluate salmon/sargo torpedo loadouts. I decided to leave them as/is. Reason is there's so many conflicting sources, im not sure what to model the loadout after, and the existing loadout could very easily serve as an abstraction of a historical one. I did however, change what torpedo's come with each boat by default based on increasing usage of MK18 torpedos from 1944 to wars end.

-Completely revamped US and GE torpedo sim files. Requires testing.

- adjusted torpedo renown values.

- increased exposure ratings for Deck and AA gun crew members. AA and deck guns being hit by enemy fire should now be fatal to the crewman at those stations.

- added death animation to deckgun crewman on the main deck.

- In order to prevent user error, I've limited deck gun options to either bow (default) OR stern (optional mod) only. It is no longer possible to be able to select both at the same time.

- campaign -> task forces -> increase spacing by another 100 meters in an effort to reduce or remove formation fishtailing.

- Campaign->merchant/convoys-> increase random waypoint radius. Traffic should no longer be as predictable as it once was. (This represents nearly 1 full day of work. This, combined with all the honing ive done on the default campaign, i have to say, I hope i never touch another campaign file again for as long as i live. )

- increased clipsize of jap 25MM AA gun from 15 to 50 in order so that it may lay down sustained fire.

- Bow splash wave sound can now be heard in rough seas.

// 1.6.1 changelog
- revamped torpedo errors.
- added selected parts of W_clears EE 5.0

//1.6.2 changelog

- greatly reduced respawn chances on ASW patrols (they were reproducing like rabbits)

- altered torpedo dud rates on 20 to 45 degree angle

- changed availablity date for Tench conning tower incase the game stupidly decides to give the boat out early. (this way it has a conning tower if you get it early, otherwise it wont)

- adapted EE5 enviormental dats and sky colors. After much experimentation, all these files seem to be the best combination.

- adapted EE5 shaders for lightshafts and seafoam.

- added splinter explosion sound from EE5

- fixed repeated message on rudder amidships command. Now is only said once, not twice.

- Phillpines patrols should no longer be issued until the asiatic fleet has left the P.I. and moved to Surabaya

- fixed sonarman vocalization feedback for player issued commands.

- reduced player watchcrew's ability to spot targets in fog to less radarlike levels.

- First three sea man ranks are again rewarded automatically while on patrol if experience requirements are met. Petty Officer and above remain in port promotions only.

- fixed erronous entry in minkaze eqp file.

- updated 1st sea trial to better reflect current gameplay.

- lowered premature detonation changes on torpedos.

- altered musuem camera to allow free movment

- added updated files for NDE_MOMI by Lurker for RSRD compatiblity.
TMO 1.62 is a standalone mod. Disable the previous TMO with JSGME and delete it if you wish. Simply enable TMO 1.62 with JSGME.
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