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Old 08-10-18, 03:48 PM   #11
Join Date: Oct 2005
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I always start a campaign at the historical outset and for my latest I started out with a IIVB, upgrading to a type IIVC when available and then to a IXC in time for Drumbeat.

Even patrolling off of the US coast the air attacks were significant in 2/42 which is total nonsense. The Eastern Seaboard defenses my understanding didn't get their act together until 6/42. I found myself facing B-24 and B-25's significantly which is ridiculous.

So fed up, end of '42 I had amassed enough renown to go back to a IIVC for the quicker diving time. I will likley stay with this boat for the duration until I have a chance at a XXIII.

I'm on the maiden voyage of that boat U-600 -- funny -- the designated patrol grid is way in the caribbean which is outside its range but we shall see.

EDIT: Just finished and DID make it with the Type VIIC to EC 18 running at 7 kn and made it wth 50% fuel so in theory can do it and return. Took me 30 days, and luckily saved the game periodically because I did get killed at least twice by aircraft -- both times at night.

It was worth the trip tho as once at the patrol grid bagged 2xT2 tankers, a Victory and a C3.

Last edited by Schnee; 08-11-18 at 11:15 AM.
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