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Old 04-05-23, 12:00 PM   #67
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Ya know, years back I asked here if changes in the earth magnetosphere could affect the climate. Of course the self proclaimed fact checkers said it was not the cause.

I was reading about carbon 14. Its origin is primarily cosmic though nuclear weapon testing, nuclear power plants contribute and I think to an even smaller degree volcanic eruptions as well. What protects us from being overdosed by cosmic carbon 14 is our planet’s magnetosphere and our solar systems heliosphere.

I remember in the 90’s our magnetosphere really started to change magnetic north is now racing to new locations daily. Heck the aurora borealis even made an appearance as far south as Maryland just the other week. Our shifting magnetosphere is theorized by some to allow and trap even more cosmic Carbon 14.

Guess what happens to Carbon 14 when it oxidizes in our atmosphere? First it oxidizes into Carbon monoxide and eventually into Greta’s bogeyman CO2. Nobody is exactly sure why we get supercharged with carbon 14 which eventually oxidizes into a crap ton of CO2. Some think it might be because earths magnetosphere going wonky. Or when the sun is at Solar minimum which in turn weakens the heliosphere that protects our solar system from cosmic rays.

Interesting that about the same time in the 90’s AlGore, the priests of consensus,
IPCC, Hollywood, Wikipedia and Greta started telling you it’s your fault and making money using slave labor and poisoning the environment even further.

Maybe I’m wrong. But I sure as heck ain’t projecting or the one sticking my head in the sand.

Just reminder to all you believers to get your untested vaccines, it’s the only way to save humanity you know.
Guardian of the honey and nuts

Let's assume I'm right, it'll save time.

Last edited by Rockstar; 04-05-23 at 12:40 PM.
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