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Old 06-01-17, 09:43 PM   #3011
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Originally Posted by Von Due View Post
Well, the thing is, your Pres has repeatedly said he doesn't believe in scientists telling him that climate change is man made and real.
Yeah he's made some controversial tweets and comments over the years but he's also called climate change a big problem with catastrophic consequences for the planet and donated money to climate change groups. Of course that doesn't fit the narrative so it's never mentioned but it sounds to me like we don't really know what he thinks about the subject. Could that possibly be by design?

It is one of the many unhinged arguements that have been in the standard arsenal of arguements from CC deniers. I don't see this opinionist being much different from the regular, ill informed CC denier.
You know if Global Warming believers weren't so eager to silence anyone who doesn't spout their party line by calling them names like "CC Deniers", attempting to get them fired from their jobs and otherwise trying to destroy their lives then maybe they would get the respect that they think their theories deserve. Right now their fascist like tactics just raise doubt that their theories can stand without them.

Thing is the earths climate is always changing. It changed before man climbed down from the trees and it'll keep changing long after we're gone. Is it really Climate Change Denial when one agrees that the climate is indeed changing but isn't sure what percentage of it is caused by humans?

I've seen too many expensive government boondoggles in my short life to just blindly support things like carbon taxes and emissions agreements negotiated by jet setting elites who by their wealth and power are immune to the consequences and in many cases stand to profit by them. So if I have to be either totally supportive of the Green agenda or totally against it, with no room for degrees of opinions in between then i'll have to stand against it.

Flanked by life and the funeral pyre. Putting on a show for you to see.
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