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Old 04-05-10, 08:23 AM   #20
Ace of the Deep
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Originally Posted by Sonarman View Post
I suspect as many here do that the tops should be aimed instead at Ubisoft HQ in Paris. The Romanian dev team have their hearts in the right place regading the series and have simply not been given enough time/money to complete the job as intended by the bean counters and shareholder servicers above.

When push come to shove and someone has to explain why the game failed to HQ I hope someone at Ubi Romania will stand up for the future of the series and tell HQ they didn't give them enough time or money on this game, that they barely marketed it at all, made it the poster boy for the most hated computer "innovation" of recent times (DRM) and saddled it with a completely sub-standard & confusing manual. Since they don't listen to their customers hopefully Ubisoft HQ will listen to their staff. Or is it only shareholders that are their concern?
But I will add patience has worn thin with a lot of the VETERAN SH series users due to the fact A LOT of bugs that we saw in SH 3 have carried over to SH4 then to SH 5.

I understand the DEVS wanting to have have "Bigger and Better"...heck we all do. But to leave in OBVIOUS bugs from 2 iterations past, and introduce NEW OBVIOUS bugs (friendly ships moving in reverse, blocking your path) is unexcusable. All the eye candy and new functions (that are only half finished) will NEVER make up for such an incomplete release.

Better to work 99% of the bugs out of SH 4, THEN update the graphics (time permitted) and introduce a NEW campaign system (time permitted) then to release such an incomplete product like SH 5.
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