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Old 04-17-19, 12:38 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Fifi View Post
Ah ok Capt

So no way to add new action linked to a sound...i thought it was like that unfortunately.

Anyway, atually it’s an order from command bar icon (man the deck gun and man the AA gun) wich is not giving sound. Even though there is the good speech file (i tested it, i can hear the sound) in the different speech sections.
Could you tell me where to check to make it work with appropriate sound please?
Your "Orders Panel" (along the bottom of the game interface) comes from the Data/Menu/cfg/OrdersBar.cfg file. The specific "Man the Deck Gun" command for the Stock game is found in [Section 5]; Button2...…"Toggle_activate_deck_gun_team". This is the "command" to "Man the Deck Gun".

The actual file that put's a "sound" with an "order" is found in the Data/Library/AnimGraphs folder. For the "Man_the_deck_gun" speech to play you will have to learn what each "Lead" individual is called......for instance the "Weapons Officer" is in the WCO.dat file. Opening it is not for the faint of heart! But to narrow down your search, look in "StateMachineClass/Stalker_Order/Conditions/[24]=Order/Actions/[1]=PlayMsg/Value"......poof, you're at "WaO_K_,Man_the_deck_gun". There's the connection.

It goes without saying there are three different "States" the game AI can be in.....Stalker/Hunter/Prey......and you'll find the same kind of "Order" found in each. So, don't just meddle with one, look at them all.

Now here's the thing, all of this is "superficial", the real meat and potatoes of what the game does with these values are hard coded. We can't do anything about it IF that's what actually makes it all come together. The game is "stuck" on needing to repeat "Yes Sir" when most command orders are given...….Why, well it's in the hard coded files because there's no place else it could be. We don't have access to even prove our theory, but that's the only explanation we can give when everything else seems correct.

The HMS Shannon vs. USS Chesapeake outside Boston Harbor June 1, 1813

USS Chesapeake Captain James Lawrence lay mortally wounded...
.."tell the men to fire faster, fight 'till she sinks,..boys don't give up the ship!"
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