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Old 09-18-09, 11:07 PM   #165
Task Force
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ACHTUNG mission number 2!!!

The ta 152s must have dissapeared... but the D 9 was back! hunter had became a trader to the vaderland but schroeder had stayed, to fly a 190...

I got up to 4000m and saw alot of tracers, and some explotion... appears the b 25s arrived. so I dived in. and invited schroeder in on the fun. sadly hunter took a hit in his wing from flak. but Oberon was still up. so I got back up, and dived in on him... in one pass I effectivly distroyed one of his engine and turnt his right wing into cheese... but schroeder took him out the rest of the way.

eventualy I found a p 38, and took him down. then the real fight started... 3 spitfires had found there way to my area. then the engagement began. soon I found myself on the spitfires tail. fireing my guns, and puting him down... but the second spitfire found out that aiminng helps and put a nice hole in my wing, and busted alot of my gauges... except for my compas that didnt know if I was going west or south....which made the plane have a horriable drag on its right because of its right wing and harder to fly because of all the broken stuff. but eventualy they dissapeared. and schroeder and I rtbed... schroeder doing a nice landing in his fw 190... and me comeing in in a shot up plane pulling to its right really hardly... eventualy I realised... I undershot the runway... landing right infront of it... turning a complete 360 degrees before comeing to a stop.

One thing about il2... if everything else on your plane is broken on landing... aslong as you still have wings, the flaps always work... lol

in the end... only me and schroeder made it back to base again... lol
Task Force industries "Taking control of the world, one mind at a time"
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