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Old 10-22-07, 05:50 AM   #5
The Old Man
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I have to agree with Skybird here. I bought SBPro after reading his posts about it and the sim is just flat out awesome. I haven't had time to play it in awhile, but my last memory of it is a fond one.

It was only my second or third time online and it was only me and another guy. We each controlled maybe 8 tanks and a bunch of other smaller units.

There were two points on a map that had to be taken. One option was to send all of my forces to the one point, or I could split them up and try to take both points at the same time.

I chose to split up my forces. I took 4 tanks with me and some smaller units and sent the other half to the other point. Bad move on my part. My second force met my opponents entire army. They were quickly destroyed. So now I had a small force against his much larger one.

I parked my boys just below a hill top that had a decent view. Soon we had contact. The battle was intense and I was losing a lot of guys.

Finally, it amazingly came down to us each only having one tank left! I popped smoke and fled to find a better spot. He must have done the same thing because we both met at the top of a hill at the same time. We were maybe 30 feet away from each other. It scared me so much, and I was still new, so I panicked and forgot my fire button. It was all over for me.

It sure is a terrible feeling, even in a video game, when the turret of an enemy tank is that close to you and takes aim... You know it's all over.

Great time though.
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