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Old 09-18-18, 08:19 PM   #5376
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We, here in the US, don't know either; its all very much open to speculation...

Way back in the Presidential Election thread, when Trump was elected by the Electoral College, I said I did not believe Trump would be impeached, and I still stand by that prediction. Trump, when he started his run was, as usual, completely ignorant of what he was getting into and the possible (probable) effects the mere act of running for President would entail. He was and is still is a person of secrets and concealments. I think he somehow thought the office of President would be a shield or barrier against the possibility of having his dirty laundry made public; oh, how wrong he was (as usual). If anything at all, running for President just opens up a person's life in ways unimaginable. Trump has, over his life, had an awful lot of shady, possibly illegal dealings, associations with disreputable characters, and more than the usual share of depraved immoralities. Being in such a state, it would be very unwise to subject one's life to inspection. His big problem is that a greater majority of his transgressions and criminality are probably true and he is now finding himself having to face an accounting. The really big downside, in Trump's world, would not necessarily be being impeached, it would be facing legal action that would most probably result in the forfeiture and/or loss of his precious assets, something brought into a stark reality by the extent of the forfeiture of assets by Manafort as part of his plea deal, totaling, in real property and financial holdings (up to and including loss of a life insurance policy) an estimated USD $46,000,000. If Trump's dealings and/or his questionable tax returns result in legal action, Trump could lose far, far more than he expects. Add to possible governmental fines and levies the likelihood those holding his massive debts would also be disinclined to continue supporting him and call in his notes and/or start civil proceedings to recoup. Basically, Trump could easily lose all of his 'empire' even if he isn't impeached but is tried after leaving office. Given how highly Trump holds his little kingdom and his public persona, if enough pressure is asserted by the SC's investigation, Trump may pull a "Nixon" and make a deal : "I'll resign if you don't pursue legal action against me and leave me with a good chunk of my assets"...

...of course, Trump will then leave office , have someone write a book for him claiming he was a"victim" of "deep states" and "lying media", hit the lecture circuit (for a 'huuuge' fee), and then, like Oliver North, become another poster child of the Far, Far Right (for a 'huuuge' fee)...

An interesting BTW about Manafort's USD $46,000,000 forfeiture: combining that 'huuuge' amount with other forfeitures, fines, fees and back taxes collected from some of the other persons who have already plead guilty, adding in possible future assessments, it would appear Mueller's investigation could actually turn a bit of a profit after costs. Certainly puts a very significant dent in the Trumper's whining and deflections about the 'wasteful' cost of the SC's office...

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