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Old 09-27-09, 03:06 PM   #9
Lucky Jack
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Pilot: Erwin Neuerberg
Luftflotte: Luftflotte 2
Geschwader: Jagdgeschwader 3
Gruppe: I
Aircraft: Messerschmitt 109E-4
Airbase: Colombert
Leader: Major Günther Lützow
Sorties: 2
Claims: 0

July 11 (11:58-12:45)

Verdammten Tommies! Where are they? The situation might be great for the Stuka pilots but I'm sure I'm not the only one to say that we need action. Be more aggressive and show the Tommies that they cant match our experience nor our technological advantages in the air! Today a mixed group of Stukas hit the 'Whisky' convoy just off the Thames, we had the babysitting duty. We havent gotten intel on how they fared, but I did observe massive geysers of water, shot up in the air by the countless bombs that rained on the poor merchantmen. The word is we lost one Stuka in the raid... but I dont know whether to take it as a rumour or a fact.

The flight before ours was hit hard by the RAF, I believe it was the St.G.2. Four or so Stukas went down. I dont understand it. That flight had no escort whatsoever. If I am to believe everything I've heard about Luftwaffe's strenght, we should have more than enough to spare and keep our bombers escorted. Ah well, it's not my job to analyze and question, just keep my 109 armed and fueled and I'll be happy.

PS. Came hard in during the landing; Landing gears busted and lost part of my left wing.
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