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Old 09-07-07, 07:15 AM   #7
Molon Labe
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Originally Posted by suBB

1.. for what I have in mind, the black sea offers a number of entryways spanning over a 280nm stretch, on a longitude roughly at the RU / Georgian boarder. So for map A, the 688 approach could be anywhere from the south along that stretch. Considering the maritime support, buoy deployment, 2 AK2s, and influence over AI platforms(mainly air units), with the right planning RU shouldn’t have a problem covering the entire area. But if the 688 is detected, I’ll spawn another maritime unit and have it dispatched into the general area of RU forces, since air support can arrive much faster than anything else. I do have concern that appears to be almost a dead giveaway, and that is POSID conducted by AI platforms. I’ll need to test human influence over AI but 9 out of 10 AI gets the class dead on 100%, at least this was my experience in conflict of interest v1.00 on 1.03 and lwami < 3.08. For this reason I would like POSID conducted by human drivers, but still I need to test human influence on v.104 / 3.08. Also when ROE comes into play, if by default ROE is peacetime, AI will class a hostile as friendly and not engage, when they should class as unknown(I think) since intentions aren’t very clear at that point. But in wartime, AI will class as hostile and engage. So when attempting to influence AI platforms, always use unknown until otherwise, or AI will violate ROE.

The AI doesn't handle very many different versions of ID. It's pretty much on or off. So, to make sure that enemy platforms would engage players at more or less the same time that platform would engage if a human was controlling it, the distance that ID occurs at is longer than you might be used to in LW/Ami.

3.. deep waters and layer present in the black sea, but no canyons to be found anywhere in areas suggested. Too bad we can’t edit our own land formations. Moving forward the baltic and barrents will serve purpose for a future project involving shallow water ops, so I’ll keep these areas in mind.

If you're dead set on canyons, the White Sea may be the place to go. That sort of area is usually only used for under the ice boomer hunting though. And depending on what you want to do, the canyons might not be well placed.
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