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Old 11-06-14, 03:39 AM   #31
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Hi makman,

I see what you mean. But sound propagation in the water is non-directional. You can hear the propeller noise even if you are directly in front of a vessel. There may be a phase shift, and there may be a sound reduction if the propellers were covered by the hull, but the sound still reaches you even if you are at that position.

Compare it to sound propagation in the air: You can hear a car passing by e.g. even behind a wall. The wall cannot avoid the sound propagation. AND: It makes no difference, if the car passes from left to the right or if the car is closing or departing. Of course distance makes a difference, but it doesn´t matter if the car is heading towards you, departing from you or just passing by at a determined position (i.e. the sound propagation is independant of the AOB).

But there is a difference between air and water: Sound propagation in the water is much better than in the air because of the thickness of the medium. E.g. Propagation velocity in the air is 343 m/s in the water around 1400 m/s (4 times faster).

Historically, contacts were reported against single ships from u-boats at distances of up to 20km, against concoys up to 100km. The range of the GHG mounted in the german heavy cruiser "Prinz Eugen" was reported to be 50km. We know that whales are able to communicate with each other at distances of hundreds of kilometers (!) if they use special sound channels (and they know how to use them!). So if we talk about such dimensions, the angle on bow has hardly any influence concerning the discovering ability. So if we talk about the propeller noise of a fletcher class destroyer at a distance of 400m, there should be no difference, be AOB=0 or AOB=90, under consideration of the fact that such a sound transmitter could be heard at 20km distance.


That may have answered your question? In reality there may be a gradually difference, but in the game I´ve never experienced a difference in getting listened earlier or later, depending on the destroyer´s position. makman´s tests confirm that experience. Did you made different experiences?

makman again

didn't know that ! and this is explaining why some parameters i saw here and there in s3d are not 'active' ! thank you Leitender

This not knowing either. I haven´t seen how the sh3.exe works. I only know from comparable problems, that the program needs input, be it necessary or not, else it may overflow . So if the exe is told to read 10 values from "sensor data", it may complain if there were only 9.

PS: Further replies soon, must urgently go to work
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