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Old 02-27-11, 08:02 AM   #633
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Default Historical Names Question

Hey, Sailor Steve. I have hit upon a question about "conflict" between historic and in-game name designations - just like to hear your take on it and what 'policy' you adopt.

In an early war cruise (Oct 39), I had the pleasure of downing a 13850 ton Auxiliary Cruiser, designated in Commander as 'HMS Rawalpindi'. Now, it may be that there were 2 Rawalpindis in the British Roster, but I know that SH3 mentions the engagement between the 'Pindi and the Scharnhorst & Gneisenau in the Nov 39 monthly war summary.

Another example that springs to mind is that I know that both FK and I have encountered the Hood well before the historic Bismark encounter. Now, if either of us had been positioned close enough to actually take her out, it would have upset the balance of the Universe and we would have had to call in Dr. Who to make it right.... Or not.

As a general question, do you, as a matter of course, leave British ships that are sunk in historic engagements (or scripted engagements, like in the Single Missions) in the list so they are available in the game for sinking? (I know you are only really concerned with the Merchant Fleet, but it applies across the board.)
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