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Old 08-25-15, 03:08 PM   #1190
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Originally Posted by BigWalleye View Post
If you were actually interested in an answer to the question, then a simple Google search would have led you to a contemporaneous thread where the topic was addressed by me and other posters.

Instead, you attempted to be confrontational while necroing a six-week-old post.

You give love, you get love.
You answered a question with a snotty retort instead of answering it (while making it clear that the answer is super obvious to you) and now I am the rude one? Plus calling asking for an answer to a question that simply got ignored in an active thread does not seem like necroing to me. Well, maybe my social skills just suck, if that's the case I am sorry. But I must say that answering a question with a snotty question does not seem very helpful to me.

Anyway I just did a 'simple' google search on the topic again and was not able to find anything easily, not even on this forum (yes I did a '' search). Since my intelligence seems to rival my social skills would you be so kind to help me answer the question by linking the thread you were talking about or providing us with a search term for google please? I would be grateful for that.

Last edited by Schmonzo; 08-25-15 at 03:16 PM.
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