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Old 11-18-09, 04:37 PM   #9
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This sounds very promising. I am glad that you and your team have decided to focus on the early to mid Cold War era. There have not been many games that touch the topic and I think it could make for some very interesting gameplay. I am also glad to hear that you will be focusing on just one platform. Less is more, when you do it right. I am sure that the subsim community would rather have a properly working game with only one playable sub, than a game with a several playable platforms and some additional bugs and overlooked details.

I would highly recommend that you and your team work out any difficulties you may have in implementing a dynamic campaign. In my opinion a dynamic campaign is far more superior to one that is scripted. Of course, there is the option of making a hybrid campaign as you say. I presume that this would mean a dynamic campaign, with certain scripted events and missions occurring within the constructs of the dynamic campaign.

You are also mentioning having 4 different campaigns. Why not mix them all together?

Here is how I would go about doing it... Within the one large dynamic campaign, scripted missions can be triggered either by circumstances or time frames. For example, you have been ordered to patrol a certain area and while doing so you make contact with a new Russian SSBN, at this point the scripted mission starts and sends you orders to follow it and attack it if you see fit. Or perhaps, on a certain date and time you will receive orders to intercept a carrier group that is making its way towards US waters.

Then, depending on your conduct during these missions the game will decide whether the Cold War will continue as it is or if it will escalate into an actual full blown war. If during your patrols you are continually overly aggressive then hostilities will inevitable commence after you have made enough attacks on Soviet ships. After patrols, when you come into base there could even be newsreels and updates about the politcal tensions between the US and the USSR. You can even implement a "progress bar" that will show how close you are to starting a war or provoking a peaceful solution to the tensions between the US and the USSR.

Here's a little picture of my progress bar idea. As you can see its pretty simple :
Peace <------------------o--------------------------------------------> War
Certain actions will have a general effect on the relations between the two Super Powers. If you attack a major target, such as a Soviet SSBN or Aircraft Carrier, it will certainly lead to hostilities. If you attack a Russian fishing vessel, it will anger the Soviets and move the situation closer to hostilities, but not into a full blown war. But if you help to neutralize certain situations it will help to move the situation towards a peaceful solution. For example, you are ordered to attack and sink a US sub who's commander has gone "a little funny in the head" and is assumed to be planning an attack on a notable Soviet target, perhaps a sub that is leaving base, or a group of surface vessels involved in military exercises in the North Atlantic.

These are all just ideas, and I would have no idea on how to implement these into a game, or if it's even possible to do.

At any rate, I think it's a great thing that you and your team are in contact with the individuals on our forums. I hope to hear from you again on the progress of you project.
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