Thread: oddities..
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Old 06-05-17, 09:27 PM   #1
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Default oddities..

RFB-RSRDC: got patrol to 'Makasar Strait / Celebes Sea Choke point' (misreading within 50 miles as 80 miles) and saved arrival time on May 02 afternoon. sank 15K, but a couple of the ships were out pass 80 mile circle. with 'zero' torps, just sat there to wait out the 36 hours. however, scenario had't ended by may 05 morning (not sure of time). I went back and restarted mission to check what the mission said and seen the 50 mile mistake. loaded the saved arrival time, correcting the 50 mile circle and re-saved new arrival time; 2 May 1438. Again, used up all the torps; this time sank 30K and all in the 50 mile circle. so again sat there waiting for 4 May 0238 (24+12=36 hours?). that passed and decided to move to center of the patrol star marker. at 5 may 09?? (failed to write down minutes), mission was declared over. I wondered if moving to the star had anything to do with it, so I reloaded where last ship was sunk and immediately moved to the star. still at 5 may 0930, mission was declared over. couldn't find the Celebes Sea choke mission in data folder.

arrived back at Fremantle and was offered and took gato class sub. in the mission room clicked on the sub to see if any upgrades were offered, none. seen this before; backed out to main menu and reload auto saved game. this time, upgrades included 3 inch gun and SD radar. took the SD radar, but the sub all ready had a 3 inch gun. when I started the mission, SD radar was there, but no 3 inch gun. last sub, porpoise, didn't have a deck gun either. don't understand why the gato had no deck gun?

is there some management guide for managing the crew? (sonar guy was useless). Or is there a mod that will manage them for you? I was under the impression crew personnel were assigned to a sub by upper command and commanders had little to do with it.
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