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Old 12-05-14, 09:16 AM   #21
Join Date: Nov 2014
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Lovely skins and even better looking if I use SweetFX.

By the way, I play SH3 with a CRT monitor at 1152x864, but with SweetFX the resolution switches back to 1024x768.
My d3d9.cfg starts with this:
; DX9res Settings
; by Kegetys <>

; Note that this config is reloaded on device reset, so you can task switch out
; of the game, change settings from this file and then return

; ResX: Horizontal resolution setting
; ResY: Vertical resolution setting
; useFiltering: Use linear filtering for UI elements
; enableScreenshots: Hook printscreen keypress to save TGA screenshot

and also there is a d3d9.dll from SweetFX (8-8-2012, 170.496 bytes),
but the game is now as I said 1024x768 (even the screenshots, now they are in BMP by default?) Even AA4X in my ATI 7870 2GB makes the game look a bit jaggy at 1024x768.
Any solution to this in order to get my 1152x864 res back again or even to get widescreen resolution if I buy a widescreen monitor?
You know, the game looks so nice with SweetFX. Pity.
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