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Old 05-09-12, 10:32 AM   #53
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Originally Posted by vienna View Post
really, aside from Chavez, who in the Latino political community has the general public even heard of or know by sight and/or name. I'm clean out of guesses...
Cheech Marin?

Originally Posted by vienna View Post
As a final note, I want make clear I am not "bashing" Latinos, Hispanics, or whatever the nom du jour might be;
I haven't seen any of your writing as a Latino-bash, rather than giving some insight about the views of the Hispanic-American community.

Originally Posted by vienna View Post
There are a great many native born Americans, of Latin ancestry, who feel as I do and have short shrift with all the loudmouthed "activists" who claim to speak for all Latinos anymore than all the loudmouthed Liberal and/or Consrevative "activists" speak for all Americans in general. I do not live as a hypenated entity or political viewpoint: Born American, live American, and will die American...
again a little OT, but this is an interesting topic. It has certainly been before the 24/7 "news" cycle that the media always picks out the loudest as somehow representatives of the community for which they claim to speak for. The media representation gives those people even more opportunity to see themselves as a spokesperson for whoever they claim to speak for. I have often seen this, not only with self-proclaimed community leaders, but also with "liberal activists" (I hate both words) who claim to help/fight for the oppressed, but have no clue of the life reality of the people they want to help. Most people do not want to be in the role of the eternal victim, unable to help themself, waiting for the angel to help them out of their misery....

A little German example, we have this integration/immigration debate going on for decades ... In the last couple of months, one man got invited very often, to talk shows, but also to official political conferences: Serdar Somuncu. A comedian, turkish born, raised in Germany, very well spoken, better German than most politicians. Humor is hard to translate, but I would call him a mixture of David Chappelle, Louis C.K. and Sarah Silverman. He often gets asked about immigration and about the muslim community, he always says: "Why do people ask me this and why the heck do they make the connotation: immigrant=Turk=muslim?" He says he was "dropped somewhere between Ankara and Düsseldorf", so no immigration story here and as an outspoken atheist he finds it rather offensive to be taken as a representative for a religion with which he has less to do than members of our Christian parties.

However in the moments when he joins the media game, fakes to speak for muslims and immigrants, people regard him somehow as an authority for all immigrant questions. He usually starts with saying some trivial things, followed by more and more insane arguments and demands, funny to see how long it sometimes takes till the people notice it - if at all... Nothing seems insane enough if you are a self-proclaimed spokesperson.
The media wants faces to connect: want to speak about Alaska? Ask Mrs Palin, same way Sharpton speaks for every dark-skinned American, or Cheney for every hunter. Much less work than actually speak to a cross-section of the people for whom they claim to speak...


Originally Posted by Bubblehead1980 View Post
Chavez was a union thug nothing more.Sure, he is a hero to the mental midgets on the left who buy the class warfare, fine but a US Naval Vessel should not be named after him.
Damn, this just sounds like swallowing textbook-style propaganda and repeating it without even trying to think on your own.
And you wonder that people attack your writing style and bash you? I have refrained to do so yet, I wonder why...
The reason I am not replying on the same level is that there are people from the more conservative side, even on here, whose opinions I can respect, sometimes even agree on (in my seldom cases of mind-gigantism), because they can articulate their views, put them into words and may even put some things into a different perspective.

So fighting for one's own believes, against oppression, standing up for the rights of others, helping to improve their lives is unamerican now?
And this: "[he] rallied a bunch of farmers and despite what the popular narrative is, he was not above using violence"

It sounds that you don't agree with ships that are named after George Washington...
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