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Old 03-23-19, 10:23 PM   #10
Sonar Guy
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Originally Posted by Sniper297 View Post
"Position keeper (Keep having to reset it or my sub is not angle any were close to were it should be relative to the target)"
Got to remember to click the red button to turn the PK off, otherwise you're shooting at where the TDC THINKS the target is. "FINAL BEARING AND SHOOT" should be with the PK off.
If your always having to turn the PK off what the reason for it?
In the manual and training tutorials they put a lot of relevance in using it during attacks but it's seeming like it's more of a distraction from what you should be doing.

Originally Posted by Sniper297 View Post
Also, the angle on the bow needs to be reset - that AOB is a royal pain, since when the target is far away the AOB should be less than 10 degrees, and it stays that way for a long time - then suddenly the angle changes faster and faster and ZOOM! One way to understand what's going on is to stand by the side of a road, watch a car coming. The aspect angle is very small, stays small, car gets bigger as it gets closer, then even if it's moving slowly you have to turn your head faster and faster to keep looking directly at it as it passes by.

That's the main problem with AOB, closer the target gets the more difficult it is to keep up with the increasingly rapid change in the angle. For that reason, my steps;
Even when following something as big as a cruiser when he turns away from you in the training mission and he shows you his ahem...stern he is zigzagging so much you could never keep up in the AOB of the Attack Data Tool. I would prefer to just read what I believe he intends to do and try to shoot where I think he's going to turn.

Originally Posted by Sniper297 View Post
1. Q W Q W repeat, check the message window for "OPENING TUBE (number)" each time. Again CRITICAL VITAL IMPORTANT the game has an automatic "feature" that opens the outer doors automatically if you forgot to open them with the Q key before, and that feature ALWAYS screws up the firing solution. Gyro angle set, hit the ENTER key, oops you forgot to open the outer doors, here I'll do it for you, target is still moving by the way, there now the doors are open "TORPEDO IN THE WATER". Aimed at where the target WAS a few seconds ago, not where it IS.
Check outer doors open before starting the attack every time.
This one is definitely one that I keep forgetting to do. Guess it does add some time to your shot. When you done shooting does the torpedo room crew automatically close the doors or do you have to order them to?
What about in a situation when you have to crash dive and go deep and you had ordered the doors to be opened. Does the torpedo room crew close them or wait till the pressure blows the inside hatch open and floods the

Originally Posted by Sniper297 View Post
4. Target at the firing point, "FINAL BEARING AND SHOOT". Aim crosshairs at target, never mind the range since it will be about the same as the last observation a minute ago, but the bearing will have changed. Click send range and bearing to TDC, fire one.
Is there a way to look at a target with the scope and fire it on that bearing you are looking at?

Originally Posted by Sniper297 View Post
While you're learning this I would advise playing with map contact updates on, kinda like training wheels for manual targeting. Just below the navigation map button is the attack map, that will show the relative positions along with a torpedo track line which shows where the torpedo gyro is set to go.
I have been using the map contacts more lately mostly for ranging targets and using it to see if I'm making an accurate range estimate thru the stadimeter. I am also backing that up with my sonar asking for "range to target" "Send bearing to TDC" and the "Send Range to TDC" commands.
That's one of the main reasons I keep the PK on all the time is to confirm the information that I'm inputting.

BTW if I haven't said it appreciate all the input. Especially in a game that came out years ago. Nice to see it still has a lot of life in it.
Not much else out there with its realistic simulation features.
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Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land."- The Lawgiver

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It's the chain I get and beat you with till you understand who's in command."
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