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Old 08-23-17, 06:06 PM   #7
Join Date: Jul 2017
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Since these are stingers why use radar at all? Use an IRST. Infrared CCDs are consumer level cheap now a days and require far less power to use since they are inherently passive.

I still think the whole idea is impractical but there's no reason to use radar for a short ranged infrared MANPAD. Just because you get radar lock doesn't mean you get an IR signature and vice versa.

The question of taking down asw aircraft is far more difficult than just shooting one down. There are two scenarios where you could meet one. An MPA patrolling and detecting you or an asw helicopter protecting the surface ships you are attacking. In both cases the best solution is to avoid detection. Both will have radio and will be able to call in distress if attacked. Great, now we have sub and surface asw assets on your tail and converging. In the case of the fleet defense you not only gave yourself away but now you can be fired on by asroc/ssn-14s. That's the beginning of a really bad day. The fleet would spam those things and let the torpedos either kill you or flush you out of hiding. At least with the MPA there's a chance of getting away and hiding. Although now the area is on alert and people are actively searching for you when before they weren't.
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