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Old 03-19-19, 06:12 PM   #4
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1. I don't know exactly but its a combination of escort skill, your speed, your aspect and the weather.

Obviously, the higher the skill of the escorts the better chance they have of spotting you. In RFB, the early war escorts are pretty good compared to their middle war couterparts. Chance also plays its part here.

They also seem to be much much better at spotting you from distance when you're running at Full or Flank speed. This is what I think got you detected in this case. I remember getting spotted from great distance in 1941 on a calm night running in at high speed on a task force. Running at 1/3 to 2/3 I've gotten within 2000 yards on RFB + RSRDC before I chickened out and dived (that was probably against low skill escorts though as it was 1944 at the time).

I also remember reading somewhere on subsim that on the surface your aspect works the reverse to what you would think. I was expecting broadside = easy for bad guys to see, front on = harder for bad guys to see. Apparently it's the other way around and can't be fixed because it's hard coded.

Weather works how you think it should, bad weather = bad visibility etc.

2. Hydrophone range is a very unrealistic 20nm when you use it manually. Your crew hear at ranges that are much more realistic.

3. Best place to be is in their path. If you're not there, then go around at high speed with their smoke only just visible on the horizon. RADAR makes this much easier as you can keep them at 6nm +. I've never been spotted at that distance on RFB + RSRDC. For getting inside the convoy undetected, the trick is to not spend too much time in an escorts SONAR detection cone. The escorts are triggered by some sort of timer that starts once you're in the cone but I don't know exactly how long this is. I've had success going under the layer and driving into the convoy at 2/3 speed at an angle until the escorts pass by. I don't think they are listening for you until you get detected but someone undoubtedly knows better than me. The faster the convoy the better, since they pass over you more quickly.

Hope that helps some.
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