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Old 10-20-09, 11:08 PM   #112
Posts: n/a

ok guys, if you agree with the idea then lets do this:

so we arent duplicating the same work here lets break the list in half

restart from the begining of your list and go back over what you've done already, take your time and dont miss any typos or whatever which is easy to do when you are trying to do things too quickly always causes errors.

peabody will do missions 101 thru 117

Starforce2 wil do missions 118 thru 134

if a mission is not convertable then put it aside and we'll deal with it later

this isnt a race and its more important to get everything right then to be quick. so test run the missions to be sure all the ships show up when and where they should.

i will then reassemble this thing into one mod of confirmed to be working stock v1.5 missions

since they do work fine as they are if used as directed, i will just rename the original version of these missions as TMO+RSRDC mod only missions