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Old 04-23-19, 02:38 PM   #7
Posts: n/a

Ok so it's not quite metric. Putting a value of 61 causes crushing to occur around 150. Was expecting closer to 200. Regardless this will allow me to fix that issue I have, awesome!!!!!!

I was secretly hoping it might fix the creak issue. It didnt. Oh well, one issue down, another being a contrary little twat! Lol!

EDIT: I don't know what happened with that first test I did with settings at 61. I made the setting 60.96 (200feet) and it started to crush very close to 200, around 190~ish. That is far more to my liking for a Sugar Boat, even if that still seems a bit too deep. But hey if some of them maybe could go to 300 brand new, I can live with around 180-220. On another note, it's kind of a shame can't give it a range to work with, i.e: Crush between 180-220. Meaning you might start crushing at 180, you might start at 220. The only way to know, would be dive down and see, just like the real thing! I'm going to try a setting of 62.484 (205feet) and see how that feels.

EDIT2: Odd, I am not getting consistent returns here. A setting of 62.484 should have begun crushing around 205, it started at around 170......... Maybe there is some sort of RNG number thrown in? That would be nice!

EDIT3: I have decided I will leave it at a setting of 62.484. It still wants to crush near 170, which I can live with. Guess I will need to go through and adjust all of the other types accordingly. Is there a place where all the crush depth data is stored online?

EDIT4: Just went to check out the sound mod you suggested, it's the one I have installed! LOL! Thanks for the work on it mate! It certainly sounds better than just the vanilla stock sounds.

Last edited by Slyguy3129; 04-23-19 at 04:01 PM.
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