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Old 10-10-17, 09:10 PM   #2
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Keeping it basic at first, did you pre-enable or enable your torps before they got close to the actual position of the contact?

If you aren't sure what that means or how to do it, don't worry. DW still requires a steep learning curve at first. Its like drinking from a fully charged fire hose at times.

If you're new to DW as a game, check out FPS Chazly's vids on YouTube:

For a civilian, he does a good job of explaining the game.

Above all, stick with it. DW hasn't stuck around as long as it has because it's easy.

If you've been playing DW for a while, that might be a different discussion. Namely, did Ivan *nerf* the Mk48 ADCAP too much in RA?
There are things to keep in mind- mostly understand the difference between a simulation and a game. If a game is too one-sided it isn't much of a game. Things need to be leveled out so all the players have a chance. If Ivan changed some things to keep DW viable for the long haul, I might not agree with it but I can understand why.
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