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Old 08-12-09, 09:30 AM   #10
Posts: n/a
Default Can you help me with this gfx stuff?

Ok.. we all have to start somewhere, but I am no stranger to the gaming industry, just the modeling as I usually leave that up to the experts.

With this tool, it is really cool and all, but I have to cut and paste the exports as it does not drop in with any of the other pro tools that I have.

One of the things I wanted to do, was UV unwrapping so I can see what I am working with. While I am able to view the mesh no problem, there is an error that I am receiving.

"One of the polygons has a too small or a too large angle (have a look to more then 4 points polygons)" X,Y,Z: -0.000204 0.000018 -0.000020

Okay, after inspection I guess one of the edges pertrudes one of the outside planes and I guess thats an easy fix. But I am still not sure what I am doing here. In the SD3 editor it asks to specify the texture file.. Do I need to calculate the node positioning in the texture file to where my region will be?

This is what I am TRYING to do...

On the game SH4, I have fixed the v1.5 (latest ver) so that the uniform medals are properly displayed. In the TMO v17/18 the awards were yanked out of the box they reside in since the textures have changed and didn't match.

I have opt'd to put those back in, and have successfully put 5/6 of the stock meshes back in.. but I need to modify these old ones slightly and then apply my NEW texture I have supplied in the mod found in "".

You can find it here.

First of all, why doesn't the Bronze Star get displayed anymore, and how do I re-texture these from my new file? Notice that the dimensions of the new texture file have changed and has to be recalculated to get the select region.

The .obj file that the SD3 exports isn't compatible with Maya.. but I guess if I knew how to use it I could cut&paste the specs.

I just got 3D Max 9 now.. and tried to open them there. I can open the .mtl of course but thats nothing, the .obj is what has the main mesh in it and it wont load. So what program is compatible with SD3's export feature? I am sure I can eventually figure it out, but I am throwing in the towel. Nor am I an artist, but you must know more than me since you wrote the utility.

Anybody care to help with what I am trying to do.. I can send you the .dds and the .dat file with the objects in there as template. Maybe we can rebuild the .dat file once we get it to work? I assume that the .dat file is SH4 proprietary hence requires this editor to be used.. since it is the only one in existence available to the public.

If you can get me Kashmir..... &#*$#@**@
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