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Old 03-19-22, 10:03 AM   #34
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia THE HUB OF ALL CONVOYS
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New version of MFM Onealex mod on first main post!!!!

-minor tweaks with ship names adding more historical ship class names based on the ships stats and looks if it matched historically. Example 'Small tanker type 01' name changed to Type T1-MT-M1 tanker, changed 'Large steamer' too 'Cameron class steamship' etc, etc.
I'm changing the generic names of the MFM ships that already came with Onealex mod instead of the ones that come with MFM 3.3 Lite as you'll notice them in your patrols more often then the other MFM ships because their included in both the .SCR.mis and the .RND.mis campaign files.
Other then that its the same good ol' Onealex MFM lite mod with just over 50 ship models and as always enable MFM 3.3 lite through JSGME application and paste/overwrite the 'ship names' file to your SH3/SH3 Commander Eng/Cfg folder.
U-Boote sind die Wölfe auf See...Angreifen...Reißen...Sinken!!! U-boats are the wolves at sea...Attack...Tear...Sink!!! - Karl Doenitz

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