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Old 05-14-08, 05:12 PM   #113
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Originally Posted by mengle
hi mate
thanks for the P.M and the hard work of the mod , im going to install , so if i put some of the EQP. files in the seafolder some ships will use starshell and horns , right?
Yes and no.
If you want to have the starshell and sounds on ships you have to install it, read the "I want the starshell on a ship" and read "I want sounds on a ship" included with the main 2.04c version. On those readmes everything is explained.
Sea folder is packed with folders named by ships. Each ship has its own cam file and eqp file.
If you enable the sea folder(with jsgme or manually, if manuylly please make a backup), if you want sounds and starshell, you will have to install it like explained in readmes, meaning installing sounds or starshell guns. Dido allready has (check dido folder in sea folder) installed sounds and starshell, v&w has sounds, and coastal merchant, I added it for show! So, if you install sea folder and you don't install sounds or starshell, nothing will happen, except for that ships. So that would mean yes.. Hope this explains everything..
But if you don't add the sea folder, the mod will function, it will just have some functions unused, and I wonder if that works 100% myself. But sh3 is a forgiving game, so no problems should occur.
Hope this explains everything.

And check the v2.04D release, please, as it adds different funnel smokes for merchants and warships. It has also sea folder, and the same rules apply here.. I sent an explanation how to add my funnels to any warship other than GWX 2.1(if you want to add a ship) also.. First page of this thread, read it all for further explanations..

That is also meant for everybody..

Now, the main reason I got back..
A6intruder, I saw you gave me one star, you and your friend, I gave myself also one star. I don't mind you gave me that nor do I mind myself.. I have two stars.. :rotfl: If people will like my work they will come.. If not, well no matter, it's fun to me.. And you are breaking it.. Why I think that? The bitter part. Regarding my pm's where I apologize. I was really sorry for being pi.. off, I sent you 4 pm's where I apologize for sending you to hell and to f..k yourself. But, now when I got home and when I rethink everything and when I see those two stars and last when I tested dkruegers mod, I was again dissapointed. Marylin Manson like.. Let me ask you one thing.. Do you know how long it took to get those smokes not dissappearing and all other stuff? That is the reason you pi..d me off. You sent many pics from other mods, and yet you forgot this mod, ugly smokes, you give wrong explanations to people, especially with that pic where is the major bug with flares along with incorrect explanation and you made me snap.. I sent you a new version just for you(ofcourse for everyone also), I have done new release which I thought you would check and be pleased and yet you can only say dkrueger dkrueger.. This I speak in very polite manner, I could also say something I would regret.. I could do some things.. But! I am in fact pleased.
Pleased because.. Really, I don't want to piss on other people mods, nor will I do it now. Dkrueger made that mod the way it is. It is his right and he wanted it that way, although I must say I don't know why..
So here what happens when I added dkrueger's values to my mod..

AND THIS IS WHAT YOU WANT!?!?!!??!!? check the wind speed, please..
Cheers! You must be drunk.. This is why you said to me I have no lack of taste.. !?!?!? AND YOU EXPECT ME TO BE POLITE ON YOUR CONSTANT DISSAPROVAL!?!?!?

PLease, can you have some tact when dealing with some other people work.. And don't reply me with your long letters, save it for pm's.. Or dkrueger, or some other fellow. You allready f..d up my new release because of the talks with you. BTW, I don't mean dkrueger's work s..k, it InMyOpinion looks silly.. TO me!!!

Again I say, check the new release 2.04d, on page 1 I explained everything..
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