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Old 02-13-09, 09:02 PM   #19
Storm Eagle Studios
Join Date: Jan 2009
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It's DRM is as clean as it can get.

There are some people who do not DRM. We understand and respect that.

They choose not to buy. Thats ok.

But our solution is the cleanest, easiest DRM on the market.

One other feature that our detraftors never mention is that if you have not connected in 7 days, our server automatically releases the License so it can be installed on antoher PC. If autolog back in, the counter starts over.

This puts control of the License directly in the hands of the gamer. There are a very small number of people who go more than 7 days without connecting to the internet. TO everyone who has purchased our game, our DRM is invisible to them, and they get extremely excited everytime we release and update!

I am sure the developers of Silent Hunter IV would love to release more updates than they are allowed to by the publisher. Thier hands are tied and are at the mercy of the Publisher in most respects.

It also has the built in feature of autoupdating. We are about to release version 1.020 in the next day or two. Thats twenty(20) updates in two months.

It allows us to maintain uniformity in the code by keeping everyone at the same update level.

But if you refuse to purchase because you dont like DRMs, you may find that lack of support of these types of games may result in them vanishing from the market, or, in our case, you miss out on some awesome fun!
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