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Old 07-28-09, 07:48 AM   #27
Rockin Robbins
Navy Seal
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You should realize that the reason the Germans could use the tools in the OLC Gui related to the openness of western societies, where ship dimension information was pretty easy to obtain.

In the Pacific, Japanese warships' lengths and other dimensions were mostly known but the merchant fleet had hundreds of ships that were not even in the recognition manual! The rest had some very unreliable information. Using something like the OLC GUI in a fleet boat would necessitate another mod like SCAF, which would have to put precise dimensions for every ship on the ocean into the ONI manual of the fleet boat. Since that would be grossly unhistorical, the presence of the tool that would require that information would also be inappropriate.

Simply put, in closed societies such as Japan and Germany, information is much more difficult to obtain than it is in open societies such as the UK and US.

An interesting sidenote: the American subs could do Fast-90 in real life as there was a direct hookup of periscope beaing to TDC which is not incorporated into our game. Even better than that, O'Kane was using the position keeper in conjunction with the periscope bearing link to do constant bearing attacks at random angles, as we do with the vector analysis method.

Joe, I was responding to Aaronblood's call for a position keeper in the U-Boat and MH's call for fleet boat dials with a "U-Boat look" in the German boat. I think I understood those posts.
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