Thread: I don't like it
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Old 03-24-08, 09:25 PM   #116
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Originally Posted by privateer
That was a bit more then 12 hours, but.

Come on people.
We are all here for a very simple reason.
We all have a thing for Sub Sims!

I care less which Ocean I'm in.

I think one core problem is that everyone has a vested interest in "their sub", and think "its the best". Challenge that belief, or insinuate an opposing opinion, and you ruffle feathers; sub simmers are a passionate bunch, Most of us being history geeks, and have a keen interest in something.

Trouble is, many of us only get informed on our "vested interest" because it helps us get into the game more, making the "emotional investment" all that much higher, and as by product, ignorance of the other only increases.

Having an ignorant view of someones vested interest, only polarizes them even further, and they start digging their heels in and push back a little, which only results in the same. The angst many PTO fans have, has been long time in the making. Add in a rather long wait for a PTO sub sim, and then toss in posts like "I dont want yankee-pig boats!" or "I dont want PTO!!!" that were posted on subsim before SH4 was even released, and ice that with snide comments about having beta'ed the game for the "real" campaign (that ignorant view i was talking about), and you have some really upset fans who wont put up with much messageboard BS.

I think The best way for this BS to stop:

1.) Stop with the my boat is better then your boat BS. Not everyone is going to agree with you, and Nobodies opinion will ever change anyway, so stop arguing it.

2.) Do not belittle the other campaign. PARTICUARLLY if you don't know much about it. On that note, one should at least make an attempt to become reasonably informed. (which admittidlly for the PTO is much harder to do since accounts are spread out all over the place.)

3.) Submarine warfare, by defination, is an immoral act. Any attempt to gain the moral highground on ANY BS topics, are rather moot. Uboats were not the shining knights of the sea, and fleetboats got their hands dirty like everybody else.

4.) Don't sterotype. Everybody's done this at some point, including me. If one reguritates the usual, "the US subs had it easy, AC, ice cream, and no danger, not exciting and not signficant!" BS mantra, one should expect to recieive the usual "Hitler and 3rd reich" mantra in return, and vice versa.

My 2 cents.
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