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Old 04-28-19, 04:37 PM   #1
Posts: n/a
Default Possible Mod Pack/Soup Release

Hey guys, if you have been paying a bit of attention lately, you will have noticed I've been posting here and there doing things and learning things.

Essentially I have been learning to mod and change little things that bothered me.

My question is, since some of this is based off others work: i.e it's built as FotRSU as a base so it will work there, or should. And in other cases, a blend of work from other people.

It comes I guess in three parts: 1: A quick fix to bring back creak sounds to S-Class and Salmon Class boats.* 2: A Custom Tweak to Class ranges and Endurance and Crush Depth.# 3: A Blend of a few sounds from a few sound mods to add more depth to them.$

What I am asking is this: If people would want to download the mods, and if I am even allowed to present it for download.

Obviously if I were to upload it, I would do my best to give a full listing of credits.

*: This is a quick and dirty fix to an issue in the current release of FotRSU. It's possible and in fact likely that this breaks something within these two subs that the mod changed. I have not noticed anything, but I don't know what to look for.

#: This mod is subject to change. It needs testing, something people downloading and playing would help.

$: Nothing fancy, or super work intensive. All I did was add two stereo tracks together into one file with Audacity. I am very happy with the creak sounds as it gives the sense that the walls are caving in around you. And the two tracks on top of each other adds a bit more depth to the sound in my opinion. I will possibly be adding to these files. I'd like to tweak the Submarine Ambient INT file, and am looking for a good one/s to blend.

Last edited by Slyguy3129; 04-28-19 at 04:50 PM.
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