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Old 01-11-13, 08:21 AM   #57
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Originally Posted by Skybird View Post
Some airliners' inbuild AP systems have inbuild limits and MUST intercept at not more than 30 or 40° deviation. Carrier policies also play a role here. Others are not limited that way, so it depends. 30-60° should be okay in most cases, I think. But I see it from an addon's perspective: how the default planes react, I do not know. Maybe stay with 30-45°. Keep in mind that the smoother you chose the angle for LOC intercept, the closer to the runway you end up when finally intercepting it. That is a potential problem, if your AP runs by the necessity that LOC always must be captured BEFORE the GS. Because if you are too close to the runway, you may be too high for safe GS interception.

As my leaf of paper shows you, try to complete LOC interception not later than 12-15 nm. At least for now.

As I said above, ignore the tower for a while, fly without radio comms and just practice it until you feel you now have inhaled the basics. Control often gives you very stupid orders. I have been handed around between different control centres and told to change frequency up to 8 times in one minute.

Thjat is why many peoploe prefer online flying via VatSim where TraCon is handled by real people not demanding you to do such stupid stuff. - Don'T ask me about it, I don'T do online.

P.S. Sorry for my han dwriting, I know it looks like a terrible mess by an 8 year old. My handwriting always has been a mess. Typing exclusively now for the past 25 years or so has not helped to improve it.
Maybe it would be worth it partnering up with someone online who will be ATC for one game session and one person or two people who fly for it and then switch off every once and a while. Could nice and interesting.
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