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Old 04-22-19, 09:56 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by Kapitan View Post
Igor Kurdin Is Chairman of the Submarine veterans club St Petersburg, the movie Hostile waters its publishers were taken to court and awarded damages, this was after the release but notice being a British made publication it has never been aired on British TV Since, you can now only find it on You Tube or Amazon, the claim made a huge dent in the profits of that company, it portrayed Captain Britanov incompetent which under legal terms in the west amounts to slandering character.
Igor Kurdin made no money from the legal case the damages went to Britanov, so your argument there is false and unfounded.

A lot of people i speak with generally Americans and British who have an opinion on the Russian people their way of life what they do and how they do it tend to not actually have one clue about the reality of it, these people hold their own governments narrative close to heart and believe what their own media says about a certain group or country.

Recently there have been reports in the British media about Russian aircraft buzzing Estonian airspace, but why are they doing it? is it because the British Royal Air Force is Buzzing Russian airspace ? having worked with the British MOD and US DOD and NATO i can sum it up with this "six of one half dozen of the other" both as bad as each other and each media outlet plays against each other, so trust the Russians? like anything in life trust what you see not what you hear or read about find out for yourself go out and explore.

I have been to Russia i have spoken with Russian people i have spent time with high ranking officials in Russia, not just Igor Kurdin but i have also been down on the street and mixed with local people and strangely their aims are no different to what you or I want peace stability prosperity

People are not nations

If you had been wronged wouldn't you want someone to help you ?

The fact is things like this have been going on for a very long time and oddly it stems from the USA's suing culture the Russians just adopted it.

I think you mean Alleppo in Syria, which has seen the violence, and if you want clumsy that's one area the USA has stumbled into, but that's something else.

As for Bhopal its not made up if you google it you will find it was the worst industrial accident of all time Union Carbide (American company) had a major leak at its pesticide plant just to give you a link:

Schindlers List was a man trying to save as many people as possible from the genocidal regime that one should be applauded not condemned.

And you yourself have never been a victim of anything your entire life right ? never had a car accident, never fallen over, never had someone bully you, never had someone cause you harm, never had anything stolen from you? never lost anyone in your life? none of that right?

So i also guess the victims of the Holocaust were just bitching about their treatment right? and they should just shut up and get on with it and not be compensated for their lost time and positions health etc?

I have seen what a genocidal regime can do, i spent time in Bosnia mainly around Srebrenica, Banja Luka, Tusla and Mostar where they were digging up the massed graves of over 8,000 Bosniaks who were slaughtered for simply being from one side of the fence, but like you say the victims families are just bitching about it and they want the world to know because they are attention seeking right?
Good job they did make it public because Slobodan Melosivic wouldn't have been jailed nor Rado Meladik in 2017 (these massacres happened in 1995) so if the world did shut up about all this we would live in an oppressed society.

So in actual fact your purchase is in direct protest against my refusal to purchase making your purchase a protest.

Bullets change governments faster than votes,

If it wasn't for MLK Black people in America would still be oppressed

If it wasn't for the united peoples of many countries around the British Empire at the end of WW2 the empire would still be here (in theory)

If it wasn't for the Suffragette movement and protests Women in the UK would still not have the vote

If it wasn't for human rights protests against Saudi Arabia Government women Would still not be allowed to drive.

But as you say Protest's don't work do they.
So he did it pro-bono? Doubt it. You acted like it killed the movie and book and therefore was a huge win. The UK is one market, a small one at that.

I've worked with DoD and NATO too. That isn't impressing me.

Nations are quite literally made up of people. Therefore Nations are people.

I don't allow people to make me a victim. Nope, never had that happen to me. It's called risk mitigation. It's pretty easy to keep those things from happening to you, and the easiest is exercising your right to self defense.

I did, I was just emphasizing how little I care/cared.

Again, I know, just emphasizing how little I care.

But it's a movie about victims!!!!! That made money!!!!!!!!

Holocaust victims tend to be dead, can't do anything for them. That's kind of the funny thing about being a victim of a holocaust.

Yep, sounds pretty attention seeking to me.

MLK didn't do anything but die. America is what made the change. But people don't like to hear that. Good thing I don't care. But atleast you don't think black people are oppressed anymore, I can atleast give you that.

Men gave women the right to vote, protest didn't do it. "I'll let you vote so you can't blame only me anymore" was what I heard from men at that time.

Protest didn't do that, the Government did.

No, protest do not accomplish anything but turning people against your cause.

I am curious what you think of the people in South Africa. Victims?
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