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Old 03-25-12, 04:52 AM   #1525
frau kaleun
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Originally Posted by Task Force View Post
I think that you could push him down the steps if thats the issue. Just look at him with a weapon out, usually pushes people.
Lol, no, I tried that for about five minutes and he would still get stuck. I could've shouted him over the ledge I guess but that seemed kinda harsh.

I checked the wiki and there's a problem with several followers not being able to navigate that location. I actually had trouble getting around and down the steps myself, it's a very narrow passage with close sharp turns and if I didn't have the crosshairs pointed just right the PC wouldn't move smoothly through the passage either. Lots of little lock-ups and lags and stumbles. Very annoying.

Was prepared with the console command to just move him to my location if all else failed, but finally I tried one last time and he suddenly popped up at the bottom of the stairs. Very odd. But then wouldn't you know he kept getting stuck trying to get through Blackreacch to the tower where the Scroll is, so I ended up just using the console command anyway when it was clear he just wasn't gonna follow my lead. The first time through I went off the path to sneak around a giant and he wouldn't leave the path and ran right towards the giant to get to where I had gone and we ended up having to fight the giant. And I wanted to get the Scroll and get out with as little fuss as possible.

The straightest shot from one place to another was something I could navigate but apparently he couldn't, and I wasn't gonna spend a lot of time bopping around down there trying to find a path he could follow. Yay console commands! I didn't want him taking the long way around to avoid some little bump in the landscape and end up in a fight with a bunch of Falmer.

I remember with the last character we did a long exploration of Blackreach together when we went back the second time and he had problems with some areas then as well. Most areas were fine, but some he just couldn't get through, even though it wasn't a climb up or jump down, I'd always lose him and then he'd come running up from some completely different direction.

Oh, and today's bit of follower amusement... cleared out a native camp in the Reach, and he's running around doing the ranged magic thing as usual, when it's over I'm standing there with dead bodies all around and he runs up through the human debris, stops, and says:

"These Forsworn don't even have the decency to dress right."

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