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Old 04-04-19, 03:23 PM   #55
Sailor man
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...the Chausey lighthouse, in Western Normandy
Great Gap!
Chausey lighthouse looks just beautiful!

As you said, the Channel is not an area we want to transit too often in game, but starting from mid 44 it will become a little busier for us, especially the area that the lighthouse above is located in...
You are right: there was even one submarin running aground on Wolf Rock: U-1209
But to my shame, I have to admit that until now I never reached late war times.

If you have an heighmap representation of the cliff you want to create, you can use as well the 'displace' modifier
This would be great but until now I haven´t found any hightmap of the seabed there.
Besides the depth of the sea in SHV is about 150 m at Wolf Rocks location.
A GR2 cliff model would fall far short.
Time to take a look at the SH5 terrain editor for some intermediate solution.

I am with you on that: within certain limits, better having nicely detailed models to start from than basic ones. As you said, we are always in time to decimate their poly count, and even so, the possibly discarded details can always be used for the baking of nicely realistic ambient occlusion and normal maps
Ok. I managed to import the lighthouse into SH5 so far.
The import of the 3D model was the easiest part, the real difficulties started using the materials.
In the end I condensed the 5 parts into one mesh alltogether.
Furthermore I simplified the model namely the base and the railing.
The texturing is at early stage.
I will have to consult some tutorials to be able to add all the necessary grunge.

But there are problems:
The platform, the shutters and the lighthouse are only stuck together and not connected by geometry.
That has a lot advantages for skinning and smoothing the lighthouse model.
But it has one big disadvantage: At the seams between the meshes occurs heavy flickering.
The reason could be that these regions are mapped twofold by the lightmap.
Its an effect that is visible at the doors and portholes of stock ships too.
One solution would probably be to connect the platform with the main lighthouse and to paint the shutters on the diffuse texture and using the normal map to give them some detailed structure.
Or I could simply bake the lightmap skipping the shutters? Have to try...

Concerning the Fresnel-lens: importing the Fresnel lens was no difficulty.
Initially I expected troubles, because there are two subsets.
But the Import worked flawlessly.
The only thing that bothers me is, that I´m not able to achieve transparency.
Currently the Fresnel lens is imported into one mesh, but I´m thinking about splitting this up, so the transparent parts could have a mesh and maybe a transparent texture by its own.
At first I thought that I could adjust these things within TDW´s Editor.
However I achieved nothing by changing values inside the subsets.

Some pictures of Wolf Rock into SH5.

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