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Old 02-16-12, 11:45 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Drewcifer View Post
Yeah I was playing as an Irish Earl, claimed about half the island and then stalled, couldn't get a legitment claim on a county I needed, waited, plotted, my son killed me, reunited my lands, finally got the claim and attacked, quickly realized I was out matched and hired mercs, ran out of money so they turned on me and well after the mercs raped and pillaged everything game over screen.

It is a hard game honestly... you have to sit and be patient and literally wait years for plans to mature because the game brutally punishes you for forcing your hand, even when you think you have an advantage small as it maybe.

That almost sounded like someone elses game I read about where some guy hired mercs but ran out of money so they defected to the enemy side which also couldn't pay for them so they defected and conquered the enemies lands for their own little nation.
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