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Old 01-09-12, 06:26 PM   #9
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Default create a .mis and screw up my plotter tool

Originally Posted by peabody View Post
As Japlance said, if you create a "NEW" .mis file you must add an entry to the Campaign.cfg file or it will not get loaded into the game.
So if you take mission editor and open the .mis you want to add traffic to, add the traffic, then you save the file, it will have the new traffic and old traffic and it will already be in the campaign.cfg as long as you do not change the name of the .mis file.

I do not know how all the mods have done the .mis files. For example, the stock game does merchants and warships as separate files and they are based on dates. So you add ships in the files you want them in, most are labeled well enough to know the dates. The other MODs may do it the same or different.
You could actually put ALL the traffic from the entire war into one file using dates on the ships, groups airbases and so on, but the file would be a mess and very hard to keep track of. That is one reason they are split up into different files and dates.

I suggest making a MOD and copy the files you want to change so you don't mess up the originals. Then enable your MOD after the other one and the files with the same name will be changed.

Another suggestion to make sure your ships are working. If you create a Random Generated Group, go to group properties and set the "Contact Automatic Report" to a certain number of minutes at 100%. That will create the Red or Blue squares that show where ships are. (this is in stock, some MODs do not use it, so none of their ships will show) But setting this, you can tell if your ships are spawning correctly where and when you want them to. After you make sure it works you can go back to mission editor and change it so they don't show by setting the time to -1 and resaving it.

So to answer your basic question: You can create a new .mis and add an entry to the Campaign.cfg file for it. (Just copy an existing one and change some info)
Example from Campaign.cfg:

[Section 13]
GameModes=SingleMission,SinglePatrol,Career,Multip layer Cooperative

Renumber the Section, Change the file name, change the start and end dates if necessary.

Or if you don't want to do it that way, you can add traffic to an existing .mis. Just find the right one with the right dates that you want your ships in.

But as I stated, do it on a backup, NOT the original. If you don't want to create a separate mod then copy the entire Campaign folder to a safe location so you can put it back if you mess it up.

hi man, very good post, i create a .mis only for try something, and after create a 2 routes and add the section in the campaign.cfg(follow your rules, sections dates etc.) i discover yes it works, my ships are in approch in the right bearing, units and so on, but i have a little problem, i cant plot my course in the nav map, picking a plotter and nothing happens, no lines at all, and when click right button to confirm simply my sub stopped due to last waypoint reached....another thing is when i load a savegame my WO starts yelling all torpedos i've launched, a little freezing, but the big problemm as i said is the plotter tool.

I've tried remove the .mis made by me and all come back to normality....any clue about this?????
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