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Old 09-03-18, 06:06 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Caption Ranker View Post
I'm still having the same issue sadly, but I'm actually kinda happy about it.


Still, I must be having a hardware issue then. Guess I gotta figure out what Mobo I have.
Sorry it took me a few days, I've been dealing with a Video issue, trying to resolve if it was hardware or drivers (since I updated to kernel 4.17.14 I've been having issues with my RX 580).

Well, good to know it was consistent... Not so good that it still isn't working...

Fortunately I had a good (vioeo) card to fall back on.

Do you have an older sound card laying around that you could try?
Might be that one last thing to make it work...

Originally Posted by Caption Ranker View Post
Hey you know thanks for letting me know about deleting config files in .config folder. I decided to install KDE again (always a bad idea), and I went back to xfce and everything was broken. This is about the time I usually reinstall Linux (or worse, windows), but Instead I deleted the config files for xfce and something else that had to do with text color on the desktop, rebooted, and it was fixed.

I'm half tempted to dig into xfce's source code and put a button in the system options somewhere that deletes all these config files for the user. But I guess like everyone else, once you learn this Linux trick you no longer see the need in building something to hold your hand.

No problem, glad it helped!

I used to have to re-install all the time (Redhat 9 & Fedora 3-10 days) because either my anti-virus would "clean" the MBR and wipe-out the boot loader (lilo at the time)....

OR, WinXP would crash and I would need to re-install XP, and as a result Fedora would need to be as well.

I installed 12, then 14 about a year later (lack of broad-band) and then 16.
Put, 14 and 16 on their own drive, but with a Knoppix LiveCD, I didn't need it as often, so I didn't upgrade it...

With Fedora 20, almost everything was different.
THEN I found out about the ".config" folder.
Some things have moved since then, I'm on 28 now, so I still have to go hunting "where are the settings for.... aha... go to directory... aaaaaaaand it's not there? *google* ohh, they moved it as of version... why? ahh, it's all in the same place now, ok..."

My mother read somewhere that if you keep reading and learning new things, it can delay the onset of old-timers... I'm not there yet, but if the info is accurate...
Then Linux should keep me good for a while.


I've run KDE since I tried Gnome the first time (about RedHat 5), and I couldn't find the settings menu to tweak a setting for the desktop.

I swapped over to KDE (had them both installed) and found the settings instantly, so I stayed with it.
I used to install a bunch of DEs and that way switch over if I wanted a change of pace.
Bonus was I could show anybody that asked "what's that?", if I showed them one and they said "I don't like it", then I could swap over and say "how about this one?".

With the FGLRX (Catalyst) drivers wanting to pick a "primary" desktop to configure itself to, I stuck with KDE (4 at the time, Fedora 20).

But Since the new(-ish) AMDGPU kernel driver (and RadeonSI on the Mesa/desktop side) handling the video, I installed LXDE as well while I was trying to troubleshoot my RX 580 issues.

My old Athlon 5600 X2, with a HD6750 has KDE (5), LXDE, XFCE, MATE, Cinnamon, and I think something else as well (openbox??? ).
I may put them all back on, just need to find a way to separate the programs by DE, otherwise I'll have a list of programs as long as my arm...

I run several of the Gnome tools (Sound recorder, Gnome Disk Utility) because they have things I like, but I want my "desktop computer" to look and feel like a "desktop computer".
Gnome Shell and Unity are a bit too "cell phone" for me...

But there's "no accounting for taste" for any of us!


P.S. Keep us posted about any progress, I'll keep my eye out for sound driver bugs or any WINE sound info.
If I see anything I'll post it in this thread.
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