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Old 12-10-15, 09:05 AM   #267
Growing Old Disgracefully
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Hi bloks
Manual targeting is not difficult once you know what the basics are and I have explained a simple 90 degree fast shoot that you can use with great success.
I am assuming you are using map contacts where you see ships on the maps.
Draw out a course line (TCL) from the target past your sub.
Make a 90 degree angle with the protractor on the TCL.
Position your sub on the line to take up a firing point 800-1000 metres.
It is very important to get the targets speed correctly.
Use the 3 minutes and 15 seconds method to do this.
Pause the game.
Expand the map so you can place a tool mark X on the bow.
Start the stopwatch un-pause the game.
At 3 minutes 15 seconds pause the game again.
Place another tool mark X on the bow.
With the compass measure the distance across the 2 X marks.
600 metres = 6 knots and so on.
Press the TDC button to open it manually.
Put your periscope bearing on 0 degrees.
Enter your AOB 90 degrees either port or starboard.
Enter the speed 6 knots.
Enter the range 1000 metres.
Press the TDC button again to close it.
It is important now to set your torpedo speed as the TDC needs to calculate the impact point taking into account the targets speed (where it will be) and the speed of the torpedo (what bearing to fire from).
Now turn your periscope until you see both of the gyro dials pointing vertically.
The periscopes bearing degrees and the 2 vertical gyro's is the position it needs to be in when you press the torpedo fire button.
As you move the periscope on to the target the TDC will automatically adjust as you will see from the gyro angles changing.
You can lock the target to identify it if you wish.
This will allow you to set the torpedo/s depth.
You will see your manual data showing in the TDC.
You do not need to be locked to the target to the fire the torpedo/s
You can for example put the periscope bearing on to the firing bearing and just wait for the target to cross over it and then fire at different places on the hull without having to move the periscope.
Always make sure your torpedo doors are open other wise you will most likely miss.
The range on a 90 degree fast shoot is not important but a range still needs to be entered in the TDC.

Anything you are not sure about just let me know.

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