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Old 04-17-19, 10:16 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Slyguy3129 View Post
Fair enough. Sorry, don't want AI subs that shoot underwater lasers, or however you guys got them to do whatever. I'm looking for the best realism SH4 can give, without abstract Jerry rigged mechanics to pull it off. Not only that, but I don't know, or understand the goal of the mod. I've seen you guys want to call it GWX for SH4, which, ahem, seems a bit boastful. And if that is the intent, you guys still have many, many years worth of time and effort to match them.

I don't understand why if you guys have "fixed" the sound issue, why you won't release just that portion for those of us who want to play TMO and OM.

But anyways, I guess what I'm trying to say is I didn't really appreciate asking a question about one mod, and you instead suggesting a mod you work on as the only working solution.

But I'm really bad at understanding someone's intent online. Guess I'll just leave it at that.
I've never once thought of Ultimate as the GWX for SH4, nor has anyone on the team (which by the way is only a few of us, three actually turning the "wrenches"). I've quit playing the Nazi side of the game (SHIII) years ago. I don't even know what it does?? And have no plans to look.

As far as getting the Hydrophone to work on other folks mods, I'll not be doing it. It was tough enough to get it to work with the mod files we had to work with.....the original Fotrs files. I'm not looking to "fix" someone else's mod, any more than diapering someone else's's bad enough having to do it on your own baby!

My "intent" was to steer you to a mod that does what you asked for. If that isn't a suitable answer and you still feel as you stated...…. "If I can't fix TMO, or OM, then just let me know. I'll make SH4 a permanent dust collector." then that's what you should do.

The HMS Shannon vs. USS Chesapeake outside Boston Harbor June 1, 1813

USS Chesapeake Captain James Lawrence lay mortally wounded...
.."tell the men to fire faster, fight 'till she sinks,..boys don't give up the ship!"
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